Monday, 30 July 2018

Jesus Heals the Woman with the Issue of Blood - 29 July 2018

“Where Could I Go?”
Luke 8:40-48 (SBC, Sligo IE)
29 July 2018

            Have you ever had a problem that was so great that you didn’t know who to turn to for help? Have you ever found yourself in a situation that seemed to be hopeless? Have you ever reached the end of your rope and thought that there was no way out of your predicament?

            This morning we are going to learn about a lady who was in just that kind of a situation. She had done everything possible to solve her problem but to no avail. She had paid out all her money to experts but had still gotten no relief. She must have been near despair, thinking that her situation was hopeless, but then somewhere she heard about Jesus, the Healer from Galilee, the One that some said was the Messiah, and she determined to give it one more try.

Verse 40: And as Jesus returned, the people welcomed Him, for they had all been waiting for Him.
·         “And as Jesus returned…” Returned from where? If you remember last Sunday’s message you will recall that according to Luke 8:26 Jesus had been ministering in the area to the north of the Sea of Galilee, especially in the region of Capernaum. But verse 26 says, “Then they sailed to the country of the Gerasenes, which is opposite Galilee.” This was the area down on the southeastern shore of the lake where they encountered the man who was possessed by a legion of demons. After Jesus cast the demons out of him Jesus and His disciples got back in the boat and headed back up north toward Capernaum in Galilee.
·         “…the people welcomed Him, for they had all been waiting for Him.” Wherever Jesus went there were always crowds of people anxious to see Him and to hear His message. Moreover, sick people flocked to Him to be healed. Such was the case of one particular man by the name of Jairus.  

Verses 41-42: And there came a man named Jairus, and he was an official of the synagogue; and he fell at Jesus’ feet, and began to implore Him to come to his house; 42 for he had an only daughter, about twelve years old, and she was dying. But as He went, the crowds were pressing against Him.
·         Good books always have a main plot, and usually several subplots. That means they have stories within the story. That is exactly what we have here in our text for this morning. In verse 41 we have the start of the story of Jesus healing the daughter of Jairus, the ruler of the synagogue. But then suddenly we find ourselves thrust into another story entirely in verse 43. This morning I am going to bypass the story of Jairus and press on to verse 43. Next Sunday we will learn the rest of the story about the healing of Jairus’ daughter, but you will just have to be patient until then.
·         I will simply point out that according to the parallel account in Mark 5 Jesus was in the region of Capernaum, on the northern shore of the Sea of Galilee. As He was walking along He was accompanied by a large crowd. Suddenly a man came running up to Him and threw himself at Jesus feet. His name was Jairus and he was the ruler of one of the local synagogues. He explained to Jesus that his precious little 12-year-old daughter was very ill, literally at the point of death. He begged Jesus to go with him saying, “Please come and lay Your hands on her, that she may get well and live.” So, Jesus started off with Jairus toward his house. Mark 5:24 picks up the story saying, “So Jesus went with him. A large crowd followed and pressed around Him.”
·         So, you see, the story we are taking up this morning is really a parenthesis in the story of Jairus and his problem. This is where the camera switches to another scene. In that pressing crowd of people was a woman with a great need who had also come looking for Jesus. Try to picture the situation in your mind. Jesus and His disciples were trying to make their way down the narrow street toward Jairus’ house. They were being shoved and pressed in from every side. The crowd was pushing up against Jesus, wanting to touch Him, wanting Him to touch them. I don’t know if Jesus felt claustrophobic in that moment, but I know that I would have.
·         Suddenly, amidst the pushing and shoving a hand reached out and touched the hem of Jesus’ robe. Knowing exactly what had happened, Jesus stopped and turned around, the crowd suddenly stopping in the street with Him.  

Verses 43-44: And a woman who had a hemorrhage for twelve years, and could not be healed by anyone, 44 came up behind Him and touched the fringe of His cloak, and immediately her hemorrhage stopped.
·         “And a woman…” We do not know her name, her age, or any details about her private life except concerning her illness. At this stage in her life she had apparently come to be defined by her illness, at least in her own mind. That sometimes happens to people—terms like “mentally ill,” or paraplegic, or cancer patient, or leper, or schizophrenic, for example, tend to define a person’s life. But she was much more than her illness!
·         She had been suffering for 12 years with a hemorrhage problem. In other words, she was constantly bleeding from her female organs. Her problem was a common one, but also very serious. Had she lived in our century she would have gone in for a complete hysterectomy and her problem would have been solved, but that was not an option for her in those days.  
·         The ancient Talmud (a Jewish commentary on the Torah) offered 11 different cures for this problem, including tonics, poultices, and astringents. Beyond these there were common folk-remedies and superstitions like carrying the ashes of an ostrich egg in a linen rag in the summertime and in a cotton rag in winter; or carrying a barley-corn that had been found in the dung of a white she-ass. This woman had probably tried every possible remedy, but nothing had given her relief.
·         But this ailment had not only ruined her health, it had also made her ceremonially defiled. According to Leviticus 15:19-30 she was considered “unclean” and therefore was cut off from the worship of God in the Temple or synagogue, and thus also cut off from the fellowship of friends, because she would make them ceremonially unclean as well.  
·         The parallel account in Mark’s Gospel, chapter 5 reveals in verse 26, “…and she had endured much at the hands of many physicians and had spent all that she had and was not helped at all, but rather had grown worse—” From our 2018 perspective we immediately see that this lady would be a prime candidate for a whopping big medical malpractice suit, but that legal option didn’t exist in her day.
o   “She had endured much…” She had experienced great suffering, with pain, tiredness, messiness, anemia, etc.
o   “…at the hands of many physicians…” Think of her embarrassment at having to be examined over and over again and having to explain the problem to male doctors because that’s all they had in those days.
o   “She had spent all that she had…” She had spent it on doctor bills and medicine that did her no good and now she was financially ruined.
o   “…and was not helped at all, but rather had grown worse.” Hers was an incurable case, a “chronic” case. Some of the so-called “cures” made things worse. This is a sad but not uncommon story of medical impotence. That’s why they call it, “practicing medicine”! Now she was just plain out of luck, out of money, and out of options. And that’s when she turned to Doctor Jesus!
·         Mark reveals something else that is important. In Mark 5:27-28 he says, “After hearing about Jesus, she came up in the crowd behind Him and touched His cloak. 28 For she thought, ‘If I just touch His garments, I will get well.’” This is where her faith is revealed! But she did not just have faith, she acted on her faith! She knew that Jesus was the solution to her problem and she set out after Him in order to touch Him. She heard about Jesus somewhere from someone. The news must have filled her with hope. But notice that she came to Jesus as her last resort, having tried everything the world had to offer to resolve her problem. So it is with many of us. Whatever the problem, we try everything else first before turning to the Lord for help. Her problem was embarrassing, and she couldn’t face sharing it publicly before the crowd, so she decided on a secret strategy.
·         When she saw her chance, she made her move through the middle of the crowd to get close to the Master. This must have required great effort for a woman in her weakened condition. The crowd was moving along with Jesus, but she approached Him from behind, which meant she actually had to move faster than the crowd, and also that she had to push and shove her way through the crowd to make her way to Jesus.
·         This was an act of faith. She came right up behind Him and touched the hem (fringe) of His outer garment. Every devout Jewish man wore an outer cloak (tunic) with a fringed bottom with a tassel on each of the four corners in obedience to the command given in Numbers 15:38-40.
·         Take another look at Mark 5:27-28, “After hearing about Jesus, she came up in the crowd behind Him and touched His cloak. 28 For she thought, ‘If I just touch His garments, I will get well.’”
o   “…for she thought…” Literally the Greek text says, “…for she kept on saying to herself…” She believed that she only needed to touch His cloak to be healed. This showed great faith in the healing power of Jesus. She was not trusting in His cloak, but in Him.
·         Now let’s go back to Luke 8:44, “…so she came up behind Him and touched the fringe of His cloak, and immediately her hemorrhage stopped.” The moment she touched His cloak, immediately her flow of blood was dried up. She received immediate and complete healing. She felt the effect in her body and knew in that moment that she had been healed. Imagine the emotions that must have flooded through her—awe, joy, excitement, and gratitude to name a few.

·         Here is a rule of Biblical interpretation: Whenever Jesus asked a question, it was never to gain information. It was always a teaching tool to impart information to others. You and I generally ask questions because we don’t know the answer and are seeking information. But Jesus, being fully God, knew exactly who touched Him. In fact, He knew everything about that poor woman—all that she had suffered, all that she had spent, all the places she had traveled looking to find a doctor who could treat her infirmity. Nothing was hidden from Jesus.
·         Notice also that Jesus’ reaction was immediate. He turned quickly in the middle of the crowd and asked out loud, “Who touched Me?” This must have been that poor lady’s worst nightmare. She had thought that she would be able to just slip away unnoticed.   
·         So, why did Jesus stop and say, “Who is the one who touched Me?” if He already knew the answer? I believe it was to force the woman to publicly tell what she had done and to get her to confess her faith in Him before men. Of course, she had done nothing wrong, and many other people were probably touching Him at the very same time, as Peter was so quick to point out: “Master, the people are crowding and pressing in on You.” And of course, Peter was correct. But Jesus wanted to use this woman and her faith as a lesson to all who were there. Peter and the other disciples couldn’t understand what Jesus was talking about. They thought His question very strange in light of the fact that Jesus was being pressed in from every side. What they didn’t understand was that Jesus could easily tell the difference between the casual touch of the crowd and that sick woman’s touch of faith.

Verse 46: But Jesus said, “Someone did touch Me, for I was aware that power had gone out of Me.”
·         How interesting! This verse makes it sound like He was a bucket of healing power that anyone could just tap into at any time. But was that true? Can you think of any other occasion when Jesus healed someone in this manner, by them just touching Him in a crowd? I know of no other such example. But Jesus wanted these people to know that something extraordinary had just taken place. This was a teachable moment and Jesus planned to use it for His own purposes.  

Verse 47: When the woman saw that she had not escaped notice, she came trembling and fell down before Him, and declared in the presence of all the people the reason why she had touched Him, and how she had been immediately healed.
·         In that moment she realized that she had been found out. When she saw that she hadn’t escaped notice she came up to Jesus fearing and trembling and fell down on her face before Him. She was probably afraid partly because she knew she should not be mixing in the crowd with that type of a medical problem. Also, she felt embarrassed because everyone was looking at her; but at the same time, she was happy and trembling with excitement, knowing that she had been healed after 12 long years of misery. Imagine the fear and embarrassment that must have gripped that dear woman in that moment. Her infirmity must have been a terrible embarrassment to her. And now, here in front of everyone her secret was to be revealed. And yet, in the face of Jesus’ question, she had no choice but to tell her story and to testify of her healing. 
·         Reluctantly, in the hearing of all, she told her sad story. She told of her years of pain and misery. On her face before Jesus in the middle of that watching, listening multitude, she told Jesus the whole long, sad story. She confessed it all to Him. She told why she had touched Him and also testified how she had been instantly healed. This is exactly what it means to be a “witness.” She simply told her story and gave Jesus all the credit.  

Verse 48: And He said to her, “Daughter, your faith has made you well; go in peace.”
·         Jesus, with infinite tact and kindness called her “Daughter,” showing that He was not angry with her, using a term of endearment, for she was both a daughter of Israel and a daughter of Abraham. As far as Scripture records, this woman is the only individual Jesus ever addressed with this tender word. I believe that His heart was moved with compassion toward her, knowing all that she had suffered and now seeing the depth and purity of her faith in Him. Her faith in Jesus’ ability to heal her had been so strong that she didn’t even think it necessary to bother the Master with her “little problem.”
·         Then Jesus said, “…your faith has made you well...” (literally, “has saved you”) meaning saved from the plague of affliction from which she had suffered for so long. The verb tense He used indicated once and for all healing, and complete restoration of her health. In other words, this was not just a temporary improvement but a complete cure.
·         Of course, we don’t know the condition of that lady’s heart and soul, but the same thing is true of eternal salvation—our eternal salvation is by grace through faith (cf. Ephesians 2:8-10).
·         Then Jesus told her to “Go in peace,” which is the beautiful Jewish blessing of “Shalom” and is a prayer for fulness of life and health.

            What are the abiding principles for us to apply to our own lives from this story?
1.    Jesus is able to cure the incurable, to heal the unhealable, to solve the unsolvable, and to save the unsavable. He can resolve problems whether they be physical, financial, emotional, or spiritual. Nothing is too hard for Him!
§  Sin, like that woman’s disease, separates us from both God and man. It is ugly and shameful, and we try to hide in the crowd so that Jesus won’t see us and so that others won’t even realize that we have a need, but He sees and knows all.
2.    It always cost Jesus to heal/cure people—i.e. it always took something from Him He knew when the power had gone out of Him into that woman.
§  It cost Jesus to save sinners, too. He went to the cross and gave all He had for you and me. He showed love toward that lady and He showed His love for us on the cross. Jesus was single-minded in purpose. He said of Himself in Luke 19:10, “For the Son of Man has come to seek and to save that which was lost.”
3.    The multitude almost never understands what is at stake.
§  Even the disciples did not fully understand what they were seeing, nor did they realize what it cost Jesus to heal people. They were insensitive to what He was going through. And the crowd just stood there and watched. For them this was just entertainment, like a “reality show.”
4.    Only that woman, out of all those people, experienced Jesus’ healing touch.
§  But she needed to confess what she had done. Even though it was difficult and even embarrassing there was relief afterward. After she confessed to Jesus, the terror and trembling were gone. In the same way, confession of Jesus as Saviour and Lord brings healing, joy, relief, and peace.
§  Just as that lady went away healed, cleansed, and joyful, so you can meet the Saviour here today and go away healed, cleansed, and joyful. Coming to Jesus was difficult for that woman
§  , but it was worth it. I believe that Jesus is passing by here today. By faith you too can reach out and touch Him, and you too will be healed and saved. By faith, you can experience Jesus’ forgiveness and healing touch in your life. He loves you, just as He loved that woman, and He waits for you to come before Him just as she did.
§  Notice that once she had told Jesus everything, the fear and trembling were gone, and a wave of relief flooded over her and through her. She made her pitiful confession and found the Master to be ever so kind and gentle.
§  In the middle of this crowd here today He is looking right at you with His eyes of love and is asking you to come to Him. Don’t try to slip away into the crowd. This is your chance to meet the Lord Jesus face to face and experience His love and grace. Open your heart to Him right now. Believe in Him. He can cure your brokenness and sin-sick heart if you’ll just reach out to Him by faith. After all, where else can you turn but to the Lord?

There is a wonderful old country-Gospel song that I learned years ago that sums up this woman’s situation and I would like us to close with it. It was written in 1940 by James B. Coats and it’s called, “Where Could I Go but to the Lord?”

Sunday, 15 July 2018

Jesus Calms the Storm - 15 July 2018

“Where Is Your Faith?”
Luke 8:22-25 (SBC, Sligo IE)
15 July 2018

            What do you trust in? What do you count on to never fail you? My cousin, Sharon, and her husband, Jim, are Civil War reenactors and they and about 300 other people put on encampments and mock-battles all over the Northwest. On our recent trip to Oregon we went to see them, and their group perform. While sitting in their camp conversing, one of their friends by the name of Eric was sitting there with us in an old antique wooden chair. Suddenly the chair gave way and Eric collapsed in the pile of rubble. The chair that he had been trusting to hold him up suddenly gave way and he found himself on the ground with a very surprised look on his face. His trust in that chair had obviously been misplaced.
When people buy a car one of the factors most people look for is “dependability.” We want a car that will never leave us stranded. However, all of us know that even the best car can sometimes have a problem and will need to go to the mechanic’s shop. And when we choose an airline we want one with a high safety rating and a reputation for being on time, one that is trustworthy; not like WOW that can leave you stranded in a place you do not want to be, as Eoghan and Adam recently found out. Likewise, when people look for a life-partner they want someone they can count on to always be there for them, to be faithful unto death, and to love them exclusively. Yet most of us know at least one person who has been the victim of an unfaithful spouse. Yes, people will often fail us. So again, I ask you: What or who are you trusting in today that you know beyond a shadow of a doubt will never disappoint you or leave you in the lurch?

            By now the disciples had been with Jesus for 16-18 months. They sat at Jesus’ feet day after day and heard His message about the Kingdom of God. They had witnessed first-hand many astonishing miracles that Jesus had performed. Surely, by this point one would expect them to trust Jesus fully as God in human form. But did they? If you had asked them no doubt they would have claimed that they had complete faith and trust in Him, but we can only know that for certain after having passed through times of testing where we had no place left to turn and no one else to come to our aid. Jesus knew this so on several occasions He orchestrated events to put His followers to the test, both to refine their faith and to strengthen it.

Verse 22: Now on one of those days Jesus and His disciples got into a boat, and He said to them, “Let us go over to the other side of the lake.” So, they launched out.
·         “Now on one of those days…” Luke does not get specific about the date. This event happened around the time that Jesus taught about the Parables of the Sower and of the Light on a Lampstand. Remember, Luke was not an eyewitness to these events. He learned about them through the disciples who were there and heard and saw everything firsthand. So, in his interviews with them the disciples might have been a little bit foggy about the date, but they would certainly never forget what happened.
·         Jesus and the disciples got into a boat and pushed off from shore. Notice that it was Jesus who suggested that they should set off for the other side of the lake. Now we do not know exactly where they were when they started out, but you should keep in mind that the Sea of Galilee is a good-sized body of water. Roughly oval shaped, it is approximately 13 miles long, north to south, and about 8 miles wide from east to west. So, to cross to the other side meant either a good long pull on the oars or else a bit of a sail if there was enough wind. From Luke’s account they hoisted the sail and set out.

Verse 23: But as they were sailing along He [Jesus] fell asleep; and a fierce gale of wind descended on the lake, and they began to be swamped and to be in danger.
·         I do not know if you have done any sailing, but I have been out a few times, albeit always in good weather. Only once did I ever experience any rough seas but that was enough for me! Here we read that somewhere out there in the middle of that large lake, at least 4 miles from the safety of the shore, the disciples found themselves in a “fierce gale.” Luke does not give us the time of day when this event occurred, but this same story is told by three of the Gospel writers: by Matthew in 8:23-27; by Mark in 4:35-41; and of course, by Luke here in 8:22-25. Mark tells us in Mark 4:35 that evening was already upon them when they started out in the boat so by now, in the middle of the lake, in the middle of the storm, it was also pitch black making this experience even more frightful.
·         So exactly where was Jesus while all this was going on? In Mark 4:38 we learn that as soon as they set off from the shore, Jesus had curled up on a cushion in the stern of the boat and had fallen asleep. He was probably exhausted from all the travel and preaching and dealing with people. Remember, although He was God in flesh, He still had a human body that knew hunger and thirst and fatigue; in fact, He was subject to all the things that we struggle with every day.
·         Luke makes it clear that the disciples were really in danger here. There was, as the saying goes, a “clear and present danger.” With the rain lashing them from above and with the waves washing over the gunwales the boat was taking on water and was in danger of being swamped. And these were no novice seamen! Most of them had grown up around the water and at least four of them were professional fishermen. And yet, here they were, about to drown. I find it fascinating to look at the contrast between Jesus and the disciples. Jesus was sleeping through a hurricane-like windstorm, while the disciples were fighting for their lives to keep the boat afloat.

Verse 24: They came to Jesus and woke Him up, saying, “Master, Master, we are perishing!” And He got up and rebuked the wind and the surging waves, and they stopped, and it became calm.
·         We do not know how long they waited before asking Jesus for help. Perhaps they discussed it among themselves and decided to let Him sleep, not wanting to bother Him with their “little problem.” Perhaps they thought that they could handle this problem on their own without having to ask for His assistance. Maybe they were embarrassed to admit that they were afraid of drowning since He seemed to be totally unconcerned. We do not know how long they waited to wake Jesus up, but Luke gives us the impression that it was their last resort and by that time they were terrified, thinking they were about to perish.
·         Moreover, by the time they decided to ask Jesus for help they had almost waited too long. So, when they approached Him they did not come with a polite request. No, that is not what happened at all. They yelled at Him: “Master, wake up!” And by including what Matthew and Mark tell us, we learn that all pandemonium broke out as different disciples screamed, “Master, Master, we are perishing!” (Luke 8:24a), “Save us, Lord; we are perishing” (Matthew 8:25), and, “Teacher, do you not care that we are perishing?” (Mark 4:38). The disciples by this point were frightened and frantic. They knew that they were about to lose their lives. They were seasoned sailors and they knew that this powerful windstorm had got the better of them.
·         At their pleading Jesus got up and He simply rebuked the wind and the waves and the storm. This reminds me of a dog owner telling his pet to stop barking. “Hush! Be still! Quiet down!” And that is exactly what happened. Immediately the waves flattened out. In that instant the rain stopped. As Jesus said the words, the wind quit blowing and everything became calm.
·         Think about it. Jesus could have simply raised His arms or thought the command in His head, and the wind and waves would have died down and become calm. But He spoke the words out loud! Why did He do that? I think it was so that the disciples would be absolutely clear that it was by His power that the wind and waves stopped their raging. Just as He spoke the entire creation into existence, Jesus wanted to show His disciples that He could speak the storm into complete and absolute submission. Why? Because Jesus is not only human; He is also fully divine. He is God in human form. He is the God of creation. He who created nature demonstrated that He has power over nature.
·         Now, do not miss what actually happened here. Normally, when the wind dies down after a storm, the sea still churns for a long period afterwards. But in this miracle both the wind and the raging waves immediately ceased, and there was an eerie calm. In that instant winds and waves synchronized in the sublime symphony of a solemn silence. The wind was instantly gone. And, astonishingly, the lake was instantly as smooth as a mirror. I have wondered what the people on the shore of the lake must have thought to themselves. “Wow! What just happened? One minute a ferocious storm, and the next minute the water is like glass. That is really weird.” But, of course, they did not know that Jesus had spoken.

Verse 25: And He said to them, “Where is your faith?” They were fearful and amazed, saying to one another, “Who then is this, that He commands even the winds and the water, and they obey Him?”
·         There are two very important questions in verse 25: the first was posed by Jesus to His disciples; the second was posed by the disciples to themselves and to one another. First, notice the question that Jesus asked the disciples. He asked them, “Where is your faith?” Jesus gently rebuked the disciples. Notice that Jesus did not say, “You do not have any faith.” He was not accusing them of being “faithless.” Rather, He was challenging them to consider what they were trusting in, Where is your faith?” In other words, Jesus wanted His disciples to have faith in Him and to put that faith into action. Jesus’ question was designed to get them to grow in their trust of Him. After all, they had already so far seen Jesus heal a centurion’s servant from a distance and raise a widow’s dead son back to life.
·         It is easy to believe in Jesus when things are going well, is it not? But Jesus calls His disciples to trust Him even when life itself seems to hang in the balance. And why should His disciples trust Jesus? Contrary to the disciples wondering whether Jesus cared about them perishing, the truth is that Jesus really does care about His disciples. He loves us so much that He eventually died in the storm of God’s wrath to take us safely to Heaven with Him. Jesus’ disciples are not exempt from trials and suffering and difficulties. But we should never wonder if He cares about us. He does care about His disciples, and He sometimes allows us to go through trials and difficulties and suffering because He knows that it is for our ultimate good. Always remember, Jesus proved His love for His disciples by dying to pay the penalty that we deserved.
·         After Jesus posed His question to them we read, “They were fearful and amazed.” One would think that after Jesus calmed the storm, the disciples (who were frightened and frantic during the storm) would be relieved and happy it was all over, but Luke records a different reaction. Luke says that they were afraid, and they marveled. Mark says, “And they were filled with great fear” (Mark 4:41). If they were fearful during the storm, they were now utterly terrified after Jesus calmed the storm.
·         Why? Previously, the disciples thought that Jesus was sent from Heaven. They thought that He was someone special. But now they realized that they were standing in the very presence of God Himself. And it absolutely terrified them.
·         The second question in verse 25 was posed by the disciples, and it was asked of one another. They said, Who then is this, that He commands even the winds and the water, and they obey Him?” That seems to me to be a very strange question: “WHO IS THIS MAN?”
·         After Jesus had done what He had done and stopped the wind and stopped the water, it says, “They were fearful.” That is not a minor word, but a major one. They were terrified because now they knew who He was. They were literally traumatized with terror. Here was someone stopping the wind and waves, but everyone knows that God is the only one who can do that. They suddenly knew they were in the presence of God and that was terrifying, because they were very much aware of the fact that God is holy, and they were not. They felt exposed in that moment. That is why Peter back in chapter 5 when Jesus commanded the fish and they all ran into the net, he said, “Depart from me, Oh Lord, for I am a sinful man. Go away, because I can’t stand the intimidation!” Peter knew exactly what he was dealing with. Whoever could control the fish was the omnipotent, omniscient God Himself and He would know what Peter was like on the inside, and that was too intimidating, so Peter eagerly confessed, “I know I am a sinful man, so please go away. Your presence is too intimidating.”
·         The disciples realized in a fresh new way that their Master really was God in human form. He who has power over nature is the God of creation, and his name is Jesus!

            So now here is the bottom line. We too should exercise faith in Christ in all the tests of life. He alone is absolutely trustworthy, in every trial and in every situation. Friends, Jesus is God. He is God in human form who came on a mission to rescue those for whom He gave His life. The miracle of Jesus calming the storm is just one demonstration that he really is God. Know that He cares for you. Know that He is not oblivious to the trials and tests you are going through right now. Trust Him, even in the midst of your personal storm. He is trustworthy. He will never leave you and He will never fail you.