Friday 4 March 2016

Salvation Terms Used in Romans

·        Redeem/Redemption = Buying the sinner out of sin’s slave market; related to this concept, the Bible speaks of us being “purchased” or “pardoned.” 
·        Regenerate/Regeneration = A spiritual rebirth as a result of God’s quickening touch, giving us spiritual life and making us into a new creation. 
·        Elect/Election = A choosing by God to reconcile men to Himself.
·        Expiate/Expiation = In biblical terms, it has to do with atoning for sin by taking away guilt through the payment of a penalty or the offering of an atoning sacrifice.
·        Propitiate/Propitiation = Satisfying the wrath of God by the atoning sacrifice of Christ. By contrast with expiation, propitiation has to do with the object of the expiation. The prefix pro means “for,” so propitiation brings about a change in God’s attitude, so that He moves from being at enmity with us to being for us. Through the process of propitiation, we are restored into fellowship and favor with Him.
·        Reconcile/Reconciliation = Changing for the better the relationship between God and man. In our natural, sinful state we are at enmity with God but through the death of His Son God has reconciled us to Himself so that we are now able to be at peace and have fellowship with Him.
·        Sanctify/Sanctification = Making holy, turning sinners into saints through the ongoing work of the Holy Spirit.
·        Justify/Justification = [Lit., to make one just] Declaring the sinner innocent, no longer guilty in God’s sight. This is the judicial work of God.
·        Impute/Imputation = God putting His own righteousness to our account, giving us His holiness, making us saints. This is the flip-side of justification.

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