Wednesday 26 June 2024

"Walking" in Ephesians with Paul - June 26, 2024


Walking in Ephesians with Paul

Study by Pastor Michael W. Wilson


1.    How we all used to walk, i.e., like puppets on the devil’s string. = Ephesians 2:1-3

a.    Dead men walking

b.    According to the pattern of this world

c.     Obeying this world’s “god”

d.    Following our lusts

e.    Indulging our sinful fleshly desires and wicked thoughts

f.      Evil children deserving the Father’s wrath


2.    How God has equipped us to walk, i.e., to walk in good works. = Ephesians 2:8-10ff

a.    By His grace He saved us

b.    We are His art project

c.     We are His exhibition for the world to see


3.    How we are expected to walk, i.e., worthy of our calling as God’s children. = Ephesians 4:1-3

a.    Showcasing the Fruit of the Spirit

b.    Preserving unity and fostering peace


4.    How we are not to walk, i.e. as sinful unbelievers. = Ephesians 4:17-20

a.    As the Gentiles walk

b.    As people who do not know Christ walk


5.    How we should walk, i.e., as godly children imitating our Father. = Ephesians 5:1 – 6:9

a.    Walk in Love = 5:2

b.    Walk in Light = 5:8-14

c.     Walk in Wisdom = 5:15 – 6:9

                                               i.     Redeeming time = 5:16

                                              ii.     Discovering the will of God and doing it = 5:17

                                            iii.     Being consistently filled with God’s Spirit = 5:18

1.    Speaking to one another through praise music = 5:19

2.    Singing from our hearts to the Lord =5:19

3.    Always overflowing with gratitude = 5:20

4.    Submitting ourselves to one another = 5:21

a.    Wives reverencing their husbands = 5:22-24

b.    Husbands loving their wives sacrificially = 5:25-33

c.     Children obeying their parents = 6:1-2

d.    Parents not causing their children to lose hope = 6:4

e.    Servants being obedient and loyal to their masters = 6:5-8

f.      Masters showing kindness and fairness to servants = 6:9


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